Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After School Program

January 27, 2009

Dear Parents/Guardians:
The West Fork Middle School Teachers have had some concerns about how the after school program has been going this first semester. The purpose of the after school program is to help those students that have fallen behind or desire additional help with their class work. After much discussion, we have decided to make some changes to the after school program for the second semester.
Students that are requested to stay for the after school program will be notified by the teacher. A letter will be sent home to the parent so they are aware their student is required to attend. Students wishing to stay will need to visit with the teacher whose class work they wish to complete. If a student wishes to stay for the after school program, they need to visit with the teacher during the week prior to the Wednesday they wish to stay. If a student is not on the requested list, and has not received prior teacher approval, they will be asked to leave at regular dismissal time. No student will be allowed to “volunteer” to come to after school without prior approval from a teacher. Any work that is to be completed will be with the after school program teacher.
Students that attend after school and cause distractions or problems for other students will be asked to not attend for the next two weeks. After school is a time for teachers to help students and is not a time to “hang out” with friends. Those attending will also need to bring a free reading book so they may read when they have completed their work. Computer use will only be allowed with prior approval.
We thank you for your help with this. We want students to receive the help that is needed without others causing distractions.

West Fork Middle School Teachers

1 comment:

    I have lost an important item and i need it found/returned as soon as possible it is a red nintendo ds with a white circle with an M in it
