Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sasse Family

As many of you know, the Sasse family of Thornton lost their home to a fire over the weekend. We at the school will be doing fundraisers this week to try and help, both with support and fundraising. Today, Tues. the 27th, the kids wore Red, it is the color of Caring in our pillars of Character in Character Counts, to show that we care about Devlynn and his family. Tomorrow the kids can earn a day off of all homework if 75% of them bring $1 to school. If they accomplish this there will be no homework from any 5th/6th Grade teacher on Thursday. If they get 100% of the students to donate $1, they will earn no homework until next Monday!!!!! That should motivate the students if nothing else will. On Friday this week, we will have a hat day, bring $1 and you can wear a hat in school on Friday. Also please sign on and leave a message for the Sasse family, to wish them well, or offer support and we will be sure to pass it along to them.


  1. I'm so sorry I feel of what happen to you so bad.

  2. I am sorry your house burnt down. I hope you get enough money to rebuild it.

  3. Devlynn and family,
    I am sorry to hear of the loss of your home and pets. This must be such a tough time for all of you. Please know we all care and want to do what we can to help. You are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything here at school I can do to help, please let me know.
    Mrs. Peshak

  4. I am so sorry about the fire I hope yoooou haaave aaaaaaa gooood daaaaaaaaaaay.I hope yoooou liiike thhhhe wwwwwwords.Wiiiiilll yooooou wrrriiittteee bbbaaaccckkk.I hhhooopppeee yyyooouuu
    wwwrrriiittteee bbbaaaccckkkk tooo meeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Katelyn eberlintg 5B

  5. I'm so sorry about the fire. I heard that you lost every thing. We are giving you some money from our school. Some of the boys gave him some clothes. I'm sorry that you lost every thing that you had. I heard that you wanted a new house anyway. I hope you had fun at school today. We all missed you so very much. But we are glad that you got out safely. I hope you didn't lose alot of animals. I'm glad that you are back at school.From:Jenna Thompson

  6. Devlynn,
    sorry to here about you house and pets.
    Justin Rooney

  7. Sasse Family,
    All of here are thinking about you, and we hope that you know that we are all here for you. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.
    Mr. Wold

  8. Dear Devlynn,
    I know that this is a hard time for you and I want you to know that your school family is behind you. We are all sorry for your loss and are here for you if you need anything.

    Miss Garrett

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  11. Im really sorry about your house. I hope u can get enough $ to rebuild your house.

  12. Hey, I'm Sorry about your house.. and all your memories.. if I put myself in your shoes.. i would feel so bad. I'm so sorry..

    Madelynn Nelson

  13. omg! IM SOOO srry that your house burnt down i feel soo bad and i hope we raise enough money to get you guys back everything you had b4!!!!!

  14. Sorry about ur house dude Hope get enough $ 2 build a new house sorry again and u will be in my prayers dude

  15. srry dude umm every1 is sorry, hope u can speak txt

  16. It is very sad about your house and pets. I really hope you saved some of your memories, but if not, you will make new memories with everyone that helps you get back what you need! It is always nice to know that someone cares, and we all do at West Fork. We back you 100%. There will always be someone there to catch you when you fall!
